Title: A Tribute to the People of Lebanon Author: Kevin Thomas Precis: Omar Sharif’s elegant presence as he narrates passages quoted from Khalil Gibran in Daizy […]
Date: 19 September 1997 Title: 1998 Academy Award Entrant Precis: Official notice for limited season screening of Academy Award entrant Lebanon… Imprisoned Splendour at The Music […]
Title: “Lebanon… Imprisoned Splendour” Holds Official U.S. Premiere Author: John Vandenberg Precis: Academy Award documentary contender ‘Lebanon… Imprisoned Splendour’s official U.S premiere was held on Capital […]
Title: Picture slog clicks for Daizy Author: Bryce Corbett Precis: She has chased Omar Sharif around France, mortgaged and sold her house, and then raised more […]